Review: “You Hurt My Feelings”

It’s interesting that the budget for this film is approximately the same as “Asteroid City” (somewhere in the 25 MM range). Anderson’s film was shot in Spain, with government subsidies. “You Hurt My Feelings” was shot in New York. It’s amazing what 25 MM will get you (or not get you) depending on where you…

Review: “Something Rotten!” in Santa Rosa

The Venn diagram that displays the relationship between lovers of the works of William Shakespeare and musical theatre probably shows very little overlap. Nevertheless, if you’re in either category – and especially if you’re in that overlap – you should head to Santa Rosa’s 6th Street Playhouse and catch one of their remaining performances of…

Review: “Chapatti” in Healdsburg

The 222 is a non-profit, member-supported arts, culture, and entertainment venue that’s housed in the Paul Mahder Gallery in Healdsburg. Open since 2021, to date it’s presented musical programs, literary readings, film presentations, and other community events. Professional theatre now enters that mix with a series of productions programmed by well-known Bay Area theatre artist…