Review: “Master Class” in Sonoma

The name Maria Callas means little these days to people unversed in the world of opera, but to those in the know the American-born Greek soprano will always be “La Divina”. Callas passed away in 1977 at the age of 53. Memories of her might have faded completely from the stage but for playwright Terrence…

Review: “Hair” in Santa Rosa

Remember the good ol’ days when all a teenage boy had to worry about was being drafted into the military, trained to kill, shipped off to a foreign land, and die defending corporate interests in the name of democracy? Well, you can relive the grand old ‘60’s by attending the 6th Street Playhouse production of…

Review: “Pass Over” in Mill Valley

Uncomfortable. Amused. Depressed. Angry. Confused. Challenged. Hopeful. Those are all states of mind and emotions I experienced while sitting in the audience of Pass Over, the Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu play that’s in the middle of its West Coast Premiere run at the Marin Theatre Company. The show that reopened a pandemic-shuttered Broadway runs in Mill Valley…

Napa’s Lucky Penny Productions Announces ’22 – ’23 Season

Napa’s Lucky Penny Productions have annnounced their 2022-2023 season of plays and musicals.  The company’s 14th season is expected to be their first full season since 2018-19 and will launch in September 2022 at the Lucky Penny Community Arts Center. The following productions are currently scheduled: VANYA AND SONIA AND MASHA AND SPIKE September 9-25,…